While driving

Out on the road today I saw some things that made me think. While none of those things were Deadhead stickers on Cadillacs, one thing I did see was a license plate, 4GIV2##. I think it was 258 at the end, but that was not the part I was focused on. I thought, “How cool to have an ID plate in the 4GIV series. And how even more cool would it be to have the plate 4GIV490.” (Matt. 18:21-22). Actually, I thought 4GIV539 would be cool because I misremembered the quote as seventy seven times seven. I’m glad I looked up the reference before writing this. * whistles *

Another thing I saw was a truck for a company called Shipping Experts Consumer Handling Transportation (SECH Transportation). Unfortunately I do not read Hangul, so I can’t really tell what their website says, but you’ve gotta appreciate their enthusiasm. Not having the benefit of seeing their website while on the road, my mind naturally went to the obvious mathematical connection – hyperbolic secant, the reciprocal to a perhaps more familiar shape: hyperbolic cosine, a.k.a. catenary. The catenary is the shape a chain or cord will naturally fall into if its ends are held fixed in a constant gravitational field. It is also the shape (inverted) of a famous US landmark.